Our Lady of the Atonement - Home Page 


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Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build My Church. 

Links in the Chain

  Anglican Use

The Pastoral Provision

The Anglican Use Liturgy
Links to other Anglican Use Parishes


Shrine Dedicated to Children Who Died Unborn
The Church of the Holy Innocents - New York

Partial Birth Abortion - Catholic Net
"A nation which kills its own children is a nation without a future" - Pope John Paul II

National Right to Life

Project Rachel



Catholic United for Faith 

Bible Christian Society 

New Advent 

Envoy Magazine 

Biblical Evidence for Catholicism 

Catholic Answers

Catholic Way

Traditional Catholic Reflections



The Complete Revised Standard Version Bible 

The WWW Bible Gateway 



Make this a daily stop for headlines that are of particular interest to the Catholic community.


The Holy Father

The Holy See
The Vatican Web Site.



The St. Joseph Foundation
The St. Joseph Foundation assists Catholics in knowing and protecting their rights in the Church.

Turin Shroud Center of Colorado
An organization which conducts research and provides information on the Shroud of Turin.


Mary's Gardens HomePage 
Hundreds of flowers named in medieval times as symbols of the life, mysteries and privileges of the Blessed Virgin Mary


ADOREMUS: Society for the Renewal of the Sacred Liturgy