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The Sanctity of Life: Pro-Life Resources

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.Our Lady of the Atonement Catholic Church

Peace is not a global issue, it is sheer hypocrisy to even hope for world peace when we, as individuals, wage war upon the most defenseless of God's creatures, the unborn. - Mother Teresa of Calcutta

"The woman wanted to see her baby,
so they cleaned up the baby and put it in a blanket and handed the baby to her. She cried the whole time, and she kept saying, "I'm so sorry, please forgive me!" I was crying too. I couldn't take it. That baby boy had the most perfect angelic face I have ever seen." -
Brenda Shafer, R.N. - Before the U.S. House of Representatives

Evangelize by Mail  —

The next time you are paying your bills, staple one of these Pro-Life Evangelization Tracts to your check.   This is a quick and easy way to evangelize.

Truth versus Error  —

On the Side of Truth:

Excerpts from Pope JPII's speech in front of President Clinton and the people of St. Louis:

"There are times of trial, tests of national character, in the history of every country. America has not been immune to them. One such time of trial is closely connected with St. Louis. Here, the famous Dred Scott case was heard. And in that case the Supreme Court of the United States subsequently declared an entire class of human beings - people of African descent - outside the boundaries of the national community and the Constitution's protection."

"America faces a similar time of trial today. Today, the conflict is between a culture that affirms, cherishes and celebrates the gift of life, and a culture that seeks to declare entire groups of human beings - the unborn, the terminally ill, the handicapped and others considered ''unuseful'' - to be outside the boundaries of legal protection."
[Right on, 100% correct.]

On the Side of Error:

James Watson, Nobel Prize Laureate:

"Because of the limitations of present detection methods, most birth defects are not discovered until birth. However, if a child was not declared alive until three days after birth, then all parents could be allowed the choice... the doctor could allow the child to die if the parents so choose and save a lot of misery and suffering."
[You see, it doesn't just stop with abortion.]

Molly Yard, past president of NOW, in response to an Oprah Winfrey question about China's compulsory abortion policy.

"I consider the Chinese government's policy among the most intelligent in the world. It is a policy limited to the overpopulated areas and it is an attempt to feed the people of China. I find it very intelligent."
[No wonder they get Most Favored Nation Status.]

A great way to spend a Sunday afternoon
Parishioners and clergy line the busy streets of San Antonio for the annual Life Chain

Facts that Disturb

  • An unborn child is legally murdered every 20 seconds in America.
  • Every day, 4,400 children die by means of abortion.
  • Ten of the 36 U.S. senators opposed to the ban on partial-birth infanticide were Catholic. They were Susan Collins (Maine), Christopher Dodd (Connecticut), Richard Durbin (Illinois), Tom Harkin (Iowa), Edward Kennedy (Massachusetts), John Kerry (Massachusetts), Barbara Mikuiski (Maryland), Carol Moseley-Braun (Illinois), Patty Murray (Washington), and Jack Reed (Rhode Island).   "The main reason for this deplorable situation is the failure of the U.S. Catholic bishops to publicly rebuke Catholic pro-abortion voters and legislators. Their silence sends the message to Catholics and other Americans of goodwill that voting for pro-abortion legislators is no big deal, and that abortion has nothing to do with the Fifth Commandment."   Extracted from The Wanderer, March 19, 1998, From the Mail (FTM)
  • There are 200,000 couples who desperately DO want to adopt!  And each year there are only 25,000 babies available for adoption.  Why not make this unfortunate occurrence a win, win, win? (source: National Council on Adoption)

What can be done?

  • Pray.

  • Bear witness to the sanctity of life in conversations, Life Chain events, and peaceful protests outside of abortion mills.

  • Write to your Representative
    Be clear and concise.

  • Inquire of your doctor whether he/she performs abortions.
    If so, switch.

  • Be careful with language.  Try not to use the word "it" to refer to an unborn baby, when the sex is not known.  Instead, use "the child", or "the baby".  This may seem trivial, but look at how many wars the other side has fought with language, and won.


Evangelium Vitae (The Gospel of Life)

Encyclical on the sanctity of human life. Deals with issues such as abortion, euthanasia, and capital punishment.


Priests for Life
The Best Resource Page Out There

Shrine Dedicated to Children Who Died Unborn
The Church of the Holy Innocents - New York

Partial Birth Abortion - Catholic Net
"A nation which kills its own children is a nation without a future" - Pope John Paul II

National Right to Life on Partial Birth Abortion
A.K.A. Murder During Delivery.

Project Rachel

Confessions of an Ex-Abortionist

Our Lady of the Atonement Catholic Church