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Support the Academy

"Education is the best gift anyone can receive. It's a treasure that never loses its value, and it's the richest inheritance parents can leave to their children — even more so if it forms not only the mind, but the spirit and moral character." - Archbishop Jose Gomez

The mission of the Atonement Academy calls for cooperation and support from the entire community.

At the Atonement Academy we strive for excellence in the physical, intellectual, and spiritual virtues through a challenging course of classical and Catholic education. It is a mission that calls for cooperation and support from the entire community: business leaders, stay-at-home moms, grandparents - everyone can make a lasting difference.

A spirit of service toward others is an essential part of the Catholic tradition. Gifts made to the Dowry, and support of fundraising efforts such as the annual Gala and The King's Fair support the cause of the school. Your prayerful support enables the Atonement Academy to improve facilities and invest in the instruments of learning. Also, it allows us to provide competitive salaries and incentives to those who leave a lasting effect on our precious children - their dedicated teachers.

The Academy also welcomes and greatly appreciates the many volunteers who sacrifice their time and talents in support of our shared cause. Parents desiring to volunteer may do so by downloading and filling out the criminal background check consent form.

To learn more about how you can contribute, please call the school office. Online Donations can also be made through our secure server. Thank you for your support, and please keep us in your prayers.